Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I spoke to Bert Simons today, who pointed me to Pepakura. These guys seem to have a free download of the program I was going to make. They even have a little dragon as a logo.
It has it's drawbacks with large files, but for now, it will be fine for my first tries. As Bert told me, start building and then learn how to do it.
Also he didn't use purely Blender, so I'll have to figure it out myself as well. I like to mix in every program I can get my hands on aswell :)
We talked about different techniques and materials. I had an idea of using Pur-foam, as it is inexpensive. This will probably not work. Also I'm considering now that I might need more than just paper.
Cardboard might do it, otherwise I can make some kind of ribs..
I like the idea that you can print on paper and that it's light and cheap, but I does dent when touched.
I'll know more, when I make my first model. But first it's off to Barcelona tomorrow to gaze at Gaudi's work.
I even found a Gaudi Dragon on Google Earth.

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