Sunday, October 4, 2009

dragon's everywhere

So, after a long dry spell, I have some free time (and energy) to blog again.
Barcelona proved great I was inspired by Casa Batllo (batljo) by Gaudi, also Barcelona is the city of dragons and the fantastic. I never saw so many dragons, maybe this is because of Gaudi's dragon at park Güell. I took the usual picture, but I hated it.. It's not a dragon at all. It's more like a squatting frog.
Casa batllo, however was great. It turns out to have a great big dinosaur inspired structure on the roof. The colors of casa batllo were very inspiring as was the tiling..

After this it was dragons everywhere from a statue of St Joris made out of chocolate!!! (We saw this in the museum of chocolate)

To the gargoyles on the main fountain in Park de la Ciutadella (small city)

I saw a beautifull plastic dragon in a toyshop (Imaginarium) and bought it, but I left it under my bed in the hotel.

Also we saw a dragon reputedly also by Gaudi, but a lot more like a dragon, than the one in parc Güell. We hopped of the hop-on-hop-off bus (Don't ever take this, it's hot, you don't see anything and it cost 21,- euro's a person, while the metro will get you anywhere for 1,25)
We jumped off, because we saw something like parc Guell en figured we ought to be in the neighbourhood. It was made out of bolts and screws and stuff and looked ok.
Walking back to the bus I saw another one on a gate.

The finally going back to the airport (over de C-31, avinguda de la gran via) we passed a huge dragon,climbing a billboard.
Now I did NOT look for dragons, this just happened. I guess it's like seeing pregnant women. (You don't unless you know someone close, who is pregnant)
Ok, so finally, the obligated picture. Just for fun I took the exact picture every Japanese tourist who ever went to Barcelona has.. (Not true of course, I talked to at least one, at the magic fountain, who I bet would bite of her own fingers rather than raise them in this misunderstood victory-sign. Thanks to her I now know it's kilei na mizu instead of kilei no mizu..)

Obligatory Gaudi dragon picture with Japanese handsign for zashin-no-heiwa.
(peace of pictures)

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