Monday, October 12, 2009

The eye

Today we'll be making a dragon's eye. Ingredients: plastic sheets, margerine or butter, permanent markers, hobby glue, candles and matches, some yellow chalk..

I started by building half a globe out of a plastic sheet, using a dot, which radiates sphere parts.
I folded it to what -according to my children- resembles a custard cup.

I put a lot of margerine in the custard cup, to smooth out any folds and creases with my fingers. Also it'll make it easy to get the glue off, once it hardens.
On the layer of margerine, I poured glue and let it harden for a while. Then I made an Iris and a pupil on the same transparant plastic and dropped it in. (NOTE: next time, I'll not use a loose pupil, because it shifts when the glue hardens) On top of tap I sprinkled some yellowish crayon to give the eye some texture both unlit and lit. Then on top of that, a layer of wax from a couple of small candles (waxines).
I topped the wax with anoher layer of glue, because it crumbles at the edges and I wanted the glue to keep it together.

This is the result, after hardening a day (I'm not very patient). The glue was still a bit runny and my pupil shifted a lot before it could set. But I could already test it's translucency with a (weak) flashlight behind it.
The glue forms bubbles, as it sets, but I don't think it's bad. It just gives a little texture to the eye, so I don't really mind. It looks like the dragon has been in a few fights. The wax and glue are translucent and the wax and crayon-dust produce a very warm glow. Next time I'll make my iris a litte darker, because it hardly shows here. Finally, this globe-shape is only to allow the eye to rotate. In the model I want it to look something like this:

There you have it, a dragon's eye in a weekend. Oh, yeah, for credits, I ripped the skin for this last picture from flicker and changed it's color. Just type in dragon eye in google and it's the first one. I'll probably shape it a little differently, but I like the horned eyelids. Also the amber glow and the blue go well together.

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