Sunday, September 6, 2009

More than one way to skin a dragon?

I made a program in flash, which can turn a 3D-program into a papercraft (bouwplaat)..
It's still a bit crude, but I see great potential, as you can actually print scales on the dragon this way.
While looking for the english term for 'bouwplaat' I stumbled upon this site and WOW:
This really seems to be what I want and it's a Dutch guy doing it. So, I'll email him and see if I can learn anything. He seems to have the same idea but uses textured models scanned from real life as a startingpoint. Also I saw some retextured humans..
I want to start from a model, which only exists in the computer, but the idea is the same.
His results are in one word spectaculair.
The artifacts (folds) that you get from making polygons out of paper are just like I imagined: They look like scales, perfect for dragons!

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