Sunday, September 6, 2009


My father came by and brought the raw material for a knee joint. I had made a cardboard model. We talked about the models and the difference between the animaris leg and the draconis leg..
The animaris vulgaris is what Theo Janssen calls his "strandbeest" in latin. He uses a leg, which can be built in one plane (none of his connections intersect). My version of the leg, however, needs two connected planes to operate, because parts intersect. Now I think my leg is more aesthetic, but I cannot deny, after making the first model, that it is less solid and wobbles a lot.

So we talked about it and experimented a bit with the animaris' legs ratios. If we could make it more slender, it would be better for our dragon. We discovered we could do it, without changing the ideal foot-curve by much.
So now I'm torn. I would like to make something original and not copy TJ's work or even make a version of it. But I'm starting to understand how brilliant his invention is. To have the whole machine operate in one plane, makes it sturdy and easier to build.
I want it to work more, that I want to be original.. I think the whole thing is original enough if I get it to work, but is this the moment to start making concessions... hmmm.

Also to prevent wobblyness we decided to go for narrow beams of wood for now in stead of pvc pipes.
I bought some sewing-machine-box-hinges (triple word value!!)  and other stuff to make a very small model in wood. If that works, it would prove my concept, but maybe I shouldn't try it at all and first re-work the model..

I've decided to sleep on it.

I demonstrated the fireball-thrower.. It's a cool effect and works every time now, we defenitely want it in there.

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