Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why do I do this?

It just seems you have to have a goal, to have a wonderfull journey..
Allready I found such awesome stuff, that I wouldn't have found out about, if I wasn't heading somewhere.
If this all doesn't work out and I never build a dragon, then I've had these cool things already:
  • I've seen dinosaurs come to life..
  • I've recreated the steps Theo Jansen took to evolve his Animaris Vulgaris and created my own variant of the species.
  • I will own a robotic horse soon..
  • I've been to a REAL magic shop.
  • I've built and operated a fireball shooter (which is a big deal for a ex-pyromaniac)
  • I've found a way to make 3D-models real by folding them in paper.
When I set myself a problem, I start thinking in creative solutions and it's wonderfull to see others having the same mindset. Also it helps to look for it. I was determined to learn exciting things in this project and it's happening.

I'm reminded of a trip to Japan, where I took a gift for every day. Everyday I was determined to give a gift to the person/persons who would help us the most. I've never seen so many helpfull people in such a short time. This may be due to the structure of japanese society and the fact that they are very willing to make your problem their problem. But I will never forget the incredible coincidence, that lead me to speak at length with one of the great Zen-masters of this time Soen Ozeki. I would have never met him, if I wasn't determined to have the best journey ever.
I feel similar things are about to happen.

Now I hope I will reming myself to read this when the moment of despair comes, that must come on any great journey.

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