Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New experiments with fireballs.

I MUST HAVE A FIREBALL! I couldn't resist trying a new approach. A slightly wider tube (this time I made it out of cardboard, which seems silly, but works fine).
Also I made new ammo. A VERY small piece of flashcotton, wrapped in a little piece of flashpaper (like a thimble) with a little piece of unattached flashpaper wrapped up in a ball..
So here are a few of my fireballs, the biggest one flew about 1,5 meters. The smallest never left the shooter. The beauty is that if you mount a single fireballshooter in the dragons mouth and prepare the pellets, you could fire it multiple times. I could even pretend to feed the dragon while replacing the pellet. The ignition I would like to feed through the chain, with which I want to pull the dragon. But it needs to be perfectly safe, because there'll be a lot of folks wearing inflammable outfits..

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