Sunday, September 13, 2009

no time to blog

Oh, no! The beginning of the end..
No worries. I got my robotic horse in the mail this week, so I'm building..
No time to blog..
Also I'm perfecting the animaris draconis' legs. I'm not happy with the hind leg yet, so I won't show you now. SOon.
I'll be going to Barcelona on thursday and next weekend is my wifes' birthday.
So I don't know when soon is..
I'll be speaking to Bert Simons, who is the guy who did those great papercrafts on wednesday evening. Then I'll know more about how heavy, how sturdy and other stuff that might be usefull in the design process.
Also my unfolder is coming along nicely in Flash, I'll be publishing it as a webtool when finised as it is simple to use and gives a lot of control..

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