Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Scetch of the head

This is a scetch I made for the head of the dragon. Child1 came with the idea of making it's mouth dog-like in stead of reptile like. Reptiles don't seem so eager to bite, somehow. Maybe because we don't have any experience with them. So I went from a werewolf, added a little pokemon and then some komodo dragon.
Finally I decided on a cat's mouth and nose, because I have always thought a cat is a fat snake with paws, ears and fur.
Mariska and Tim both decided the dragon should be blue. It's a water dragon. I kind of like the contrast with the orange eye.
Well I did some material expression research, now I need to make this shape in 3D. Think I'll use organica, I'm one of the lucky few, who still has a copy.

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