Sunday, August 23, 2009

Got the legs working!

I have been considering the movements of the six legs of the dragon:

I did the hind leg. The underside of the curve isn't flat, but I have decided I will try for a little wobble... (click on trace bottoms to show the curve)

A variant to the hind leg for the middle leg. This is a tough decision. I tried out the front-paw movement too. This just looks better.
No real 6 legged mammals exist, so it's guessing all the way.
This one isn't lifted as high. The first back leg I had was kind of like a chicken. It jerked its leg up and then put it down real gently. It looked a little silly. So I used the evolution (randomise button) on it.
This gave me the middle leg. I averaged (by hand) the chickenleg and the middle leg to get the final back leg.

Now the front leg was a little harder. I had to get the reverse motion from the same wheel. I have been practising this with my arms in the mirror, so I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted. This comes very close.
All done within a day, who would have thought.

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