Monday, August 31, 2009

Fire and Smoke

I was wondering if we could make smoke come out of the dragons mouth and maybe even think of a way to make it breath fire (in a safe way!)
I started out thinking about smoke machines, but they are all huge (5 Kg and more).
Then I looked at this thing. It uses 40 leds to get a realistic fire effect is only 16 x 16 x 12cm for a flame of 22 cm and it weighs 1,1 Kg..
This is still a bit heavy and it runs on AC, so it isn't perfect, but this seemed to be the way to go, with fire..
Then I came across this:

So I went to in Haarlem and talked to Maurice. I got all the stuff I needed, flashpaper, flashcotton and a glow-plug. And a lot more, including a magic smoke machine that weighs only 200 grams.. And can produce a lot of smoke..
Great shop!

Then I went off to the hardware store for the rest. I created the fireball shooter, but I think I overused the flash cotton, it became a kind of canon, wow. It shot a pledget of flashpaper all the way across the room, without even igniting it. The bang deafened me for some time..
I think also my tube may have been a bit to long.
So, I tried a few other experiments. I'm not there yet..
After watching the instruction movie again, I concluded probably the secret is less cotton..

My fahter has been experimenting with making knee joints out of PVC-pipes, more about that later.

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