Saturday, June 11, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

Droomvogel Finished

I created a smoking egg-effect as a extra accesoire for the droomvogel. The smoke is two supersecret non-toxic chemicals (well non toxic when they are forming smoke).
The egg I got at pipoos, glued it together and covered it with clay. Then I created the hole and painted the whole thing.
I especially like the fact that the smoke appears to be blue, because the inside of the egg is blue.

If you want to see more of the things I build for magic-tricks I will be posting them at:
This is me signing of on the dragon project.

Closing the dragon project

While I was working on my dragon (and a game about magic) I met a group of magicians, who help children in need. Magic Care.. It's a charming concept similar to the well known clini-clowns, only I think with a longer lasting effect.

The children get presents (and the necessary instructons) which allow them to become a performer rather than a patient. This is a great role reversal in a situation where children are trapped and have few options.

So, I spent a lot of time lately creating magic-tricks. I personally designed one (a simple one) and am now working together with these magicians to create another (and actually several others are planned). I think this is much more fun, because it yields something you can actually use and it's a new way of thinking about material and effects.

As a bonus we made a levitating puppet using the same techniques I used for the head of the dragon, and some special techniques (which I can't tell you about, because I didn't create them and they are secret).

This project is called the dreambird (droomvogel).. It's no longer a secret, so I can post it here now.
I now feel my dragon-project is rather frivolous. I will not be able to do anything with the dragon once it's finished except maybe show it of a few times. I'm not a performer or a magician and I have little ambition to become one, except maybe in the context above.
I am closing the dragon project and aim to create a few magic tricks in the near future..
Maybe I'll come back to the dragon some day, who knows..